My Fitness Coach
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Nájdených 19 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 19)
Cena vrátane DPH
WIIS MY FITNESS COACH GET IN SHAPE SELECTS Nintendo Wii BALENIE: PREBAĽOVANÉK dispozícii sú dve varianty: 1. Hra neotváraná, v pôvodnej fólii s trhacím prúžkom. 2. Nová, nepoužitá, ale bola otváraná a zafóliovaná z dôvodu vkladania manuálu v slovenskom jazyku. |
17,00 € |
19,00 € |
WIIS MY FITNESS COACH GET IN SHAPE SELECTS Nintendo Wii BALENIE: PôVODNÉ BALENIE - ORIGINÁL FÓLIAK dispozícii sú dve varianty: 1. Hra neotváraná, v pôvodnej fólii s trhacím prúžkom. 2. Nová, nepoužitá, ale bola otváraná a zafóliovaná z dôvodu vkladania manuálu v slovenskom jazyku. |
19,00 € |
My Fitness Coach Dance Workout Captain Gadget Fitness Pack Bundle Nintendo Wii - kompatibilné s balance boardHra je nová, neotváraná, pôvodné balenie Fitness pack kompatibilný s balance board. Obsahuje Hru Náhradnú batériu pre balance board ochranné podušky pre balance board čelenku potítko na zápästie ponožk fľašu na vodu |
15,00 € |
WIIS MY FITNESS COACH CARDIO WORKOUT Nintendo Wii ORIGINÁL FÓLIAHra je nová, neotváraná, pôvodné balenie |
19,00 € |
Bismillah, Lets Eat!: Fresh and Vibrant Recipes from My Family to Yours (Allibhai Zehra)Popular Toronto-based hijabi fitness influencer and coach Zehra Allibhai shares her healthy, flavour-forward recipes inspired by her East African and Indian |
31,52 € |
Tina Chantreys Divorce Survival Guide: How Running Turned my Life Around! (Chantrey Tina)Tina Chantrey is a mum to three girls, as well as an author, journalist and running coach. She is a contributing editor of Womens Running UK magazine; her freelance career spans over 20 years, during which she has written on all aspects of health, fitness and nutrition for titles like Zest, Top Sant... |
8,36 € |
Football Periodization to Maximise PerformanceAdam Owen PhD is a high performance expert with 20 years experience at the elite level; International, European club, UEFA Champions League and Europa League.After his bestselling "Football Conditioning: A Modern Scientific Approach" book set and in his role as a UEFA Pro & A Licence Educator, coach... |
50,57 € |
How to be an Awesome Personal Trainer (Coomber Ben)How do you interact with a client? How do you structure your time? How to you price your time? How do you market yourself? How do you adopt the character traits of a leader to truly inspire your clients? How do you develop world class customer service for your clients? How do you develop systems tha... |
24,84 € |
Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific ApproachAdam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European p... |
40,75 € |
Run Well - Dr Juliet McGrattanWhy do I get a headache after a run? Do runners really need to do strength and conditioning? Will running damage my knees? How can I stop my skin chafing on long runs? How quickly will I lose my fitness if I have to stop running? What's the best diet for a runner? Dr Juliet McGrattan has worked as ... |
14,00 € |
Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific ApproachAdam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European p... |
40,75 € |
Football Periodization to Maximise PerformanceAdam Owen PhD is a high performance expert with 20 years experience at the elite level; International, European club, UEFA Champions League and Europa League.After his bestselling "Football Conditioning: A Modern Scientific Approach" book set and in his role as a UEFA Pro & A Licence Educator, coach... |
50,57 € |
Run Well - Dr Juliet McGrattan, Bloomsbury SportThe handbook that every runner needs on their shelf. Why do I get a headache after a run?Do runners really need to do strength and conditioning?Will running damage my knees?How can I stop my skin chafing on long runs?How quickly will I lose my fitness if I have to stop running?What's the best diet f... |
15,68 € |
Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific ApproachAdam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European p... |
39,75 € |
Football Conditioning a Modern Scientific ApproachAdam Owen (UEFA Professional Coaching Licence / Ph.D in Sport & Exercise Science) is the Sport Science & Fitness Coach for the Wales National Team and a Research Science Consultant at SL Benfica. Previously he was Head of Sport Science at Rangers FC and has held senior roles at many other European p... |
39,75 € |
My Fitness Coach: Get in ShapeHra My Fitness Coach: Get in Shape pro konzoli Wii. Bazarový kousek ve velmi dobré kondici. |
13,50 € |
Single Slimbeam Single Atlas (Tréning Atlas Nohrd Slimbeam Natural Jesion)Atlas treningowy NOHrD SlimBeam Natural JesionAC-NH-15.100Ekskluzywna siłownia SlimBeam - niesamowity trening przy minimalnej powierzchni!Specjalne, wielofunkcyjne linki - wygoda ćwiczeń i uniwersalnośćAtlas SlimBeam to wszechstronne i wielofunkcyjne urządzenie treningowe. Nie bez powodu atlas SlimB... |
2 330,70 € |
Magnetický eliptický tréner Nordictrack SE7I 135 kg (Priečinok Nordictrack SE7I)Trenażer eliptyczny 135 kgProdukt po zwrocie.Oryginalne opakowanie lekko podniszczone.Możliwe delikatne ryski otarcia spowodowane transportem.Prezentujemy składany Orbitrek Programowany SpaceSaver SE7i od NordicTrack - perfekcyjny sprzęt, doskonały do użytku domowego, spełniający oczekiwania najbar... |
1 142,80 € |
Nájdených 19 výsledkov |